Choosing Dentures

Dentures can help reduce the effects of missing teeth and improve your appearance. They can also prevent problems that can occur from gaps in your teeth such as bone loss and resorption, and they can make chewing and speaking easier for you.

Denture patients have the option of either complete or partial dentures. Both options are durable, comfortable, and can last for about ten years with proper maintenance. They’re also a more affordable alternative to other tooth replacement methods such as dental implants, which require several appointments and surgery.

Choosing the right denture type depends on your needs and preferences. First, consider how many teeth need to be replaced and whether you’re looking for a permanent or removable appliance. Next, evaluate the cost of each option as well as how much time you’re willing to spend on maintenance.

It’s important to find a denture material that suits you and feels comfortable in your mouth. Metal can be more durable, but acrylic tends to feel lighter and fit better. It’s also a good idea to find out which type of adhesive is used, since it can affect how the appliance fits in your mouth.

In general, complete Dentures are designed to replace all the teeth in an upper or lower jaw. They can be fixed or removable and are usually made of a combination of acrylic and porcelain. Complete dentures are more durable than partials and are a great choice for people who have no remaining natural teeth. However, they can feel bulky in the mouth and are more likely to get dislodged when eating or talking.

Removable partial dentures are designed to fill in the gap where one or more teeth are missing. They can be a permanent fixture in your mouth or a removable device like a toupee. Both types can be a little uncomfortable at first because the cheeks and tongue have to learn how to support them, but they will adapt with practice.

A partial can also be a great solution for those who have had dental implants and are experiencing some post-op complications. For instance, if you’ve had a bridge anchored to dental implants that have shifted in place, a removable partial can be a great temporary solution while the bridge is fixed.

It’s important to care for your dentures and keep them clean to avoid bacterial infections and other oral health problems. Brushing them daily, soaking them overnight in a sterile denture cleanser, and cleaning them after eating are all recommended practices. In addition, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups.