What It Takes to Be a League of Legends Coach

Whether you are a player looking to improve or a coach looking to get more out of your team, League of Legends coaching can be a rewarding experience. However, it is important to know what is involved before you decide to start a career in the industry.

First and foremost, you need to understand the basics of the game. This includes understanding the game’s drafting process, matchups between different lanes, and how champions interact within a team environment. You also need to be prepared for the challenges of working with inexperienced players. You must also understand the role of meta in the game, as it can have an impact on your team’s success.

It’s no secret that League of Legends is a competitive game. That said, a good coach will know how to make players better without overdoing it. For example, the best coaches know when to adjust Masteries to maximize a player’s ability. They will also have a strong grasp of itemization trends and how champions can work together. The main role of a coach is to motivate their team, as well as to help them practice at the right times.

To be a successful coach, you will need to be able to connect with your team and their parents. You will need to know how to explain the rules of the game to your team. During practices, you should be able to explain the importance of good behavior. If you can’t, your players will be unable to focus on the game. Then, you will need to be able to manage your team’s schedule.

You may not realize it, but the League Coach best League of Legends coaches don’t actually play the game themselves. They are professional analysts who study professional games from around the world. They then compile a list of exploitable habits and provide players with advice. They typically work for organizations or gaming houses. These analysts often have travel and meals covered by their employers. While they can’t expect to earn a lot of money at first, they should see their salary rise with experience.

The best League of Legends coaches will be able to teach players a few things, but they won’t be able to play the game themselves. They will have to learn how to communicate with their players and handle the stress of high-level competition. They will need to know how to make their players understand the game’s drafting process and what it means to have a good team composition. They will need to be able to understand how to deal with inexperienced players and how to teach them tricks.

Finally, a good League of Legends coach will be able to help players get out of their slumps. For example, if a player is lagging in the lane, they will need to be able to use the right tactics. For instance, a coach can teach them to shoot left against a strafing player. This trick is particularly important if the player is using a jungler build that doesn’t allow for quick movement.